Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Upton Cross Primary School

Our Team

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher - Ms. C Moore

Kirton Road 

Churston Avenue 

Deputy Head

Ms. D K Bansal

Ms. H Phillips

 Assistant Headteacher 

Ms. J Fisher

Ms. H Lumu

Ms. G Wells

Senior Leaders

Mr. B McDonald

Ms. E Cerkezi

Ms. K Pandor

Ms. N Searle

Teachers and Support Staff

Year Group Leads


Ms. N Searle


Ms. E Cerkezi

Year 1

Ms. M Robinson/Ms. G Wells

Year 2

Ms. N Ali

Year 3

Ms. R Begum

Year 4

Mr. B McDonald

Year 5

Ms. A Fuwa

Year 6

Ms. J Drummond


Mr. C Ruthven


Kirton Road 

Churston Avenue 


Conkers - Ms. S Begum

Acorns - Ms. P Santokhi


Ash - Ms. M Edwards

Elm - Ms. C Robson


Apple - Ms. F Narvades



Holly -  Ms. Y Hoque


Beech - Ms. N Ali

Maple - Ms. L Jalil


Aspen - Ms. R Begum

Birch - Ms. R Begum

Willow - Ms. I Crockford-Smith


Hazel - Ms. S Williams


Chestnut - Mr. B McDonald

Hawthorn - Ms. F Ahmed


Juniper - Ms. A Fuwa

Magnolia - Ms. S Hussein

Hornbeam - Ms. J Hoque

Mulberry - Ms. R Akhter


Laurel - Ms. J Drummond


Acacia - Ms. N Malik

Sycamore - Mr. S Ahmed


Ivy - Ms. K Stukins


PPA / Cover

PPA - Mr. C Ruthven

PPA  - Ms. P Ademe

PPA - Ms. S Panus

PPA - Mr. G Khan

Support Staff

Kirton Road 

Churston Avenue 




Ms. Y Karim

Ms. K Teji

Ms. F Suleman


Ms. M Valluri

Ms. R Imtiaz


Ms. M Rasheed

Ms. L Zante


Ms. F Hussain 

Ms. S Mushaji M-W

Ms. S Begum M-W 


Ms. K Maqbool 



Ms. T Patel 

Ms. H Patel



Ms. R Rahman



Ms. F Mirza


Ms. S Begum

Ms. A Shaikh

Ms.H Aslam

Ms. F Rahman


Safeguarding Leads

Mr. N Eagles

Ms. A Graham


Ms. E Lopez

Ms. A Graham

Midday Assistant

Ms. I Lukasik 

Ms. S Nur

Ms. S Khatoon


Ms. S Jabir

Ms. S Khatun

Ms. L Bild-Douse

Administrative and Site Teams  

Ms. A Hirani - School Business Manager

                                                   Ms. J BhudiyaAdmissions Officer & Health and Safety

   Mr. I Khan - Site Supervisor 

Kirton Road

Churston Avenue

Ms. J Shaikh - Receptionist & Attendance

Ms. P Hussain - Receptionist (M-W)

Ms. S Begum - Receptionist (T - F)

Cleaners on Site

Ms. J Adoo - Cleaner in charge

Ms. T Mono - Cleaner 

Mr. F Osei-Asare - Cleaner 

Ms. M Drammeh - Cleaner 

Ms. H Ogike - Cleaner

Ms. E Assi-Bei  - Cleaner

Cleaners on Site

Mr. S Appiah-Kusi - Cleaner in charge

Ms. D Virk - Cleaner 

Mr. A Abie - Cleaner 

Ms. H Emmanuel - Cleaner

Kitchen Staff

Cook - Mr. Z Ali

Ms. R Begum, Ms. Y Patel, Ms. R Ismail, Ms. F Musah, Ms. B  Elaheebocus

Kitchen staff 

Ms. C Woodcraft, Ms. D Wadhia, Ms. L Ubhi, Mr. A Maracoir, Ms. K Khan