Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Upton Cross Primary School



Our art curriculum aims to ensure children explore a range of artistic techniques and artists. Through their artistic journey, our children will explore a range of techniques to reflect their individuality.

Curriculum Map 

art and dt curriculum map .pdf

Pupil Voice  

My favourite part of art is mixing primary colours together to make secondary colours.

I enjoy painting because it makes me feel calm and relaxed.

I enjoy learning about different artists and how they create emotion in their pieces of art. 

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