Childline Information
With everything that is happening at the moment, it is perfectly normal to be worried. If there are things that are making you feel sad, angry or upset, then take a look at some of the helpful information on Childline.
The Calm Zone
The Calm Zone is full of activities and advice on ways to feel calmer if you are anxious or nervous about something. Some examples are breathing exercises and writing a letter to yourself where you talk about the things that make you happy, you can then read it back to yourself whenever you feel sad to remind yourself of all those happy things.
Talking to someone at Childline
When you call Childline on 0800 1111 you’ll get through to a counsellor, they’re there to listen and support you with anything you’d like to talk about.
You can also click this link to have a 1-2-1 counsellor chat online