Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Upton Cross Primary School

Burnet News Club 


Welcome to the Burnet News Club!

The Burnet News Club  is a virtual space where young minds come together and discuss the most pressing and complex world issues with their peers across the UK.

Oracy and critical thinking skills are developed through weekly discussions on the BNC Hub, quizzes, competitions and opportunities for our pupils to ask expert contributors from various fields their own questions, which in turn, boosts their cultural capital. 

Listening to other people’s perspectives and having the confidence to respond, voicing their opinions, has helped our pupils shape their understanding of global issues and the impact they have in their community and the world.

For the next six weeks, our students will be taking part in a Global Conversation with schools over the globe- exploring why experts think the best option is to “build back greener” to protect the climate, what this might look like, and whether changes can be made before it’s too late.



  • Upton Cross Primary School is currently in 2nd place on the BNC School Leaderboard with 112 skill stars. 

  • Upton Cross Primary was nominated Thought Leader for Issue Three on Protest. A Thought Leader is the school that has shown the best use of the BNC skills (Problem-solving, Creativity, Listening and Speaking) over the course of the Issue and really added to the quality of discussion on the Hub.

Olivia and Tom with two of our 2020-2021 BNC members and Miss Ademe during their only visit to our school during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Why did Upton Cross Primary School win?

“Upton Cross Primary School have made so many contributions on the Hub this Issue, with relatively few students. They have shot to second on the leaderboard and have shown deep thinking in their posts, comments, competition entries and questions and responses to experts. Their participation has enriched the quality of discussion on the Hub and helped us all think better. Well done, Upton Cross!”
Tom Bigglestone


  • Bipasha/discreet_drum, is currently in 2nd place on the BNC student Leaderboard with 48 skill stars. Her work has been featured in two Burnet News Club Highlights Magazines. Click here to read more. Thanks to her valuable contribution to the Burnet News Club Hub, discreet_drum has also been selected to take part in the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Media Literacy to be held virtually on May 18th 2021 to discuss how to equip young people and wider society with the critical thinking skills needed today. This will help shape the Government’s future media literacy strategy.


We are currently on Issue 5 which is our Global Conversation: Building back greener.

Previous topics: 

Issue 4: From Pandemic to infodemic

Issue 3: Protest: does it work?

Issue 2: The Future of Work