Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigration (JCWI) 020 7251 8708 |
JCWI is a charity campaigning for justice in immigration, nationality and refugee law and policy. |
Contact JCWI for advice in all areas of asylum and immigration law: Ring 020 7553 7470 between 10am – 1pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for free, confidential advice. Or contact 020 7251 8708 to book an appointment. |
Praxis Community Projects Tel: 020 7729 7985 |
Praxis provides help and support for newly arrived and long-settled migrants to help them live in safety, meet their essential human needs and overcome the barriers they face to integrate, develop and thrive. Services include: Advice and information: Immigration,housing advice, welfare advice, accessing health services. Learning and employment: ESOL for work, supporting enterprise, Praxis in Europe Health and wellbeing: Support for Trafficked Women Community projects: Creating community voice, creating resilient communities, New Voices Language and interpreting: Praxis Interpreting Shelter and safety: Preventing destitution |
020 7222 1673 |
The Centre offers free legal advice on immigration status cases. If you need legal advice on immigration, asylum and nationality law, they will try to help. They can also provide representation at appeal for those who cannot afford legal assistance and are suffering from poverty and homelessness due to their lack of status. Ask them a question or call 020 7227 1673 for help and to arrange an appointment. |