Family Support and Wellbeing
Welcome to our family support page, where we hope you will find lots of information and advice to help you.
School based support
As a parent/ carer of a child at Upton Cross, your first point of call should be with your child’s class teacher. However, there are also other members of staff that can assist you with certain matters, these can be seen below:
Place2be works with children and families to ensure that wellbeing and mental health are a top priority. We really encourage families to check out the wealth of information and resources they have available here.
If you feel like you, or your child, need some additional support, then please speak to a member of the senior leadership team who will be able to refer your situation to our Place2be leader. Sessions may be on an individual basis or in small groups. Parents/ carers can also access this service for any concerns they may have regarding their child. Also, the charity offers counselling sessions for parents/ carers for any personal issues they are going through such as bereavement or separation.
Pastoral support
All children’s wellbeing is paramount to ensure that they can fulfil their potential whilst at school. The role of the Pastoral Manager is to respond to a child’s individual needs and support them to overcome any challenges or difficulties, such as behavioural or emotional needs. If you have any concerns regarding your child, you can contact Mr Tsui-Lucas.
All staff at Upton Cross are responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. However, if you have any safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact Ms Graham or Mr Eagles.