Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Upton Cross Primary School

Year 4 - Learning @ Home

On this page, you will find ideas to help Year 4 pupils learn at home. We hope these activities support you during this time, however they are optional so families are welcome to use their own home learning ideas if they prefer.  

Are you feeling worried about something?

With everything that is happening at the moment, it is perfectly normal to be worried. If there are things which are making you feel sad, angry or upset then there are people you can talk to and some wonderful resources to help you.

Our Worry Box has now been closed for the Summer Holidays but we have compiled some links and techniques to help you cope with any emotions you are struggling with.


Log into Google Classroom.

Use your school email


Use your normal password

Log into Bug Club, you can use it on a phone, tablet or computer.

Log into MyMaths and complete the tasks you have been set. 

Log into Times Tables Rockstars and practise your Times Tables.

Use your Bug Club login details with .316

Example: username.316

Log into Busy Things and find your favourite activity. 

Use your Bug Club login details with .316

Example: username.316

How to access Google Classroom

Click on the video below to see a tutorial on how to use Google Classroom.

Below, please find the information on how to login - translated into different languages:










Daily Assemblies

Using the link below, you will be able to join an assembly in partnership with TES. These will be available from 11am on Thursdays. Assemblies will cover a range of themes such as, kindness and togetherness. There will be guest speakers and time to reflect on current issues.

Click here to access the daily assemblies. 

Reading Project Video

What book will you be reading and learning about? Watch the video to find out more and don't forget to tweet your learning!


Spelling is a key skill that your child will need to use in daily life. Spelling aids reading and helps consolidate the connection between sounds and letters. Learning high frequency sight words has also been shown to help with both reading and writing. 

From Reception onwards, each year group or phase has a selection of words that we call our non-negotiables - words that we expect every child in that year group to learn before the end of the year or phase. As many of our children are currently learning at home, we have created specific spelling home learning projects to help them learn how to spell these words. Within these home learning projects, there are a range of engaging activities that will support your child to learn these spellings.

Multiplication and Division

Times tables are an essential aspect of mathematics. Knowing the times tables (and their associated division facts) supports mathematical learning and understanding of new concepts. We have created a project which focuses on a strategy based approach. This means that children will be exploring a range of methods in which they can use to learn about times tables. This would build understanding by focusing on connections in order to support retrieval and application of times tables. 

W/C: 30/03/2020

Fossils and Dinosaurs - Click Here

Willy Wonka - Click Here

Living Things - Click Here

Egypt Pyramids - Click Here

Fruit & Veg in French - Click Here

Recycling - Click Here

W/C: 06/04/2020

Spelling - Click Here

Reading - Click Here

Maths - Click Here

Animals including Humans - Click Here

Geography - Click Here

Easter Story (RE) - Click Here

Computing - Click Here

Art - Click Here

Music - Click Here

W/C: 13/04/2020

Parks & Gardens (DT) - Click Here

April Fool's Day (French) - Click Here

David Walliams (English) - Click Here

Castles (History) - Click Here

Maths - Click Here

NHS - Click Here

P.E. - Click Here

Animals & Humans (Science) - Click Here

Spelling Frame - Click Here

W/C: 20/04/2020

Poetry - Click Here

Roman Numerals - Click Here

Sound - Click Here

The UK - Click Here

Designing Programs & Data - Click Here

Picasso & Kandinsky - Click Here

Music - Click Here

Buddhism - Click Here

W/C: 27/04/2020

Handwriting - Click Here

Rumplestilskin - Click Here

Telling the Time - Click Here

Animals including Humans - Click Here

Egyptians: Gods - Click Here

French - Click Here

Nutrition & Cooking (DT) - Click Here

P.E for all - Click Here

P.E: Bag the Beans - Click Here

PSHE: Kindness Calendar - Click Here

W/C: 04/05/2020

Punctuation: Inverted Commas - Click Here

English: Roald Dahl - Click Here

Magical Maths - Click Here

Science: States of Matter - Click Here

Geography: Australia - Click Here

Computing: Photography - Click Here

Art: Pop Art - Click Here

Sound of Music - Click Here

RE: Ramadhan and Eid - Click Here

W/C: 11/05/2020

English: The BFG - Click Here

Maths: Decimals - Click Here

Science: Electricity - Click Here

Egyptians: Games - Click Here

French: Weather - Click Here

DT: Bridges - Click Here

PE: What can we do without equipment? - Click Here

PSHE: Jobs in the Community - Click Here

W/C: 18/05/2020

English: Superhero Holiday - Click Here

Maths: Time - Click Here

Science: Light - Click Here

History: VE Day - Click Here

Geography: Deserts - Click Here

Computing: Creating Algorithms - Click Here

Surrealist Art - Click Here

Music: Flash of Rhythms - Click Here

RE: The Good Samaritan - Click Here

W/C: 25/05/2020

English: Taking Flight - Click Here

Maths: Position & Movement - Click Here

Science: Forces & Magnets - Click Here

History: UK Kings & Queens - Click Here

French: Emotions - Click Here

DT: Transport & Vehicles - Click Here

PE: 60 Second Challenge - Click Here

PSHE: Goals - Click Here

W/C: 01/06/2020

English: Creative Writing - Click Here

Geography: Looking after the Planet - Click Here

Computing: Designing a Dream House - Click Here

Art: Numbers & Letters - Click Here

RE: Celebrations - Click Here

W/C: 08/06/2020

Spelling: Homophones - Click Here

English: Magic Finger - Click Here

Maths: Equivalent Fractions - Click Here

Science: Humans and the Environment - Click Here

History: Egyptians Homes & Food - Click Here

French: Facts about France - Click Here

DT: Building & Landmarks - Click Here

PE: Standing Long Jump - Click Here

PSHE: Staying Calm - Click Here

W/C: 15/06/2020

Grammar: Compound & Complex Sentences - Click Here

English: Narrative Writing - Click Here

Maths: Problem Solving - Click Here

Science: Minibeasts - Click Here

Geography: Mountains - Click Here

Computing: Audio Performances - Click Here

Art: Colour & Tone - Click Here

Music: Songwriting & Composition - Click Here

RE: Holy Books - Click Here

W/C: 22/06/2020

Maths: Interpreting Data - Click Here

Geography: Capital Cities in Europe - Click Here

French: Fruits & Vegetables Revision - Click Here

Reading Project: Stories from around the World - Click Here

W/C: 29/06/2020

English: Charlotte's Web - Click Here

Maths: Roman Numerals - Click Here

History: Pyramids & Hieroglyphs - Click Here

CSR Project: Wellbeing - Click Here

Project: Music Festival - Click Here

W/C: 06/07/2020

English: Stan Lee's Comics - Click Here

Maths: Rounding - Click Here

Science: Rainforests - Click Here

History: Neil Armstrong - Click Here

Geography: World Water Day - Click Here

French: Animal Revision - Click Here

CSR Project: Waste and Recycling - Click Here

Project: Travel Agent - Click Here

Project: Going to the Zoo - Click Here

W/C: 13/07/2020

Maths: How can I pay for things? - Click Here

Maths: How to keep your money safe? - Click Here

History: Roman Kings and Queens - Click Here

Geography: Earthquakes - Click Here

RE: Judaism - Click Here

CSR Project: Air Pollution - Click Here

Project: Designers and Inventors - Click Here

Project: Sea Voyagers - Click Here

Project: Dream School - Click Here

Summer Holiday Projects

Maths: Planning a simple budget - Click Here

Geography: Water Cycle - Click Here

Art: Masks - Click Here

CSR Project: Fairtrade - Click Here

Project: Transitions - Click Here